Buying Cars At Auto Auctions

auto auction porsche

If you need to save money on a used vehicle, buying a car at an auto auction is one option. Such auctions are held across the country and usually include dozens to hundreds of used vehicles. Here’s how to navigate the auctioning process and avoid getting stuck with a jalopy. … Read more

Where Can I Find My Car Paint Code?

car paint code

Fix that scratch yourself with the right paint code. For the umpteenth time you’ve taken your car to the store and like several times before it has acquired a new ding or a scratch. This time some paint was removed, exposing your finish to the elements and making your car … Read more

Where is my VIN Number Located?

where is VIN number

Making sense of your vehicle’s VIN. All cars have a vehicle identification number, a 17-character alphanumeric identification unique to that vehicle. Commonly known as a VIN number, your vehicle’s ID is assigned when it is manufactured. And just as your Social Security Number (SSN) is unique to you, a VIN … Read more

Is Your Car E85 (Flex Fuel) Capable?

E85 flex fuel

Ethanol-blended fuel is generally sold as E85, consisting of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent straight gasoline. This particular fuel is usually derived from corn or some other grain, or by means of using other renewable or recyclable materials. E85 is relatively clean burning, provides more power to your car, … Read more